History |
2012 Committed to the development of magication project Committed to the development of magication project,Adhering to the socical service mission. 2012年致力發展魔術教育計劃 致力發展魔術教育計劃,秉承服務社會使命 2011 Established E&S International Ltd Establishment of E & S International Ltd in cooperate with the continue business growth in oversea market by the removal and expansion of factory to achieve the new breakthrough record of Eddy Group 2011年成立虹亮國際(香港)有限公司 宏亮集團業績創新高,國內廠房擴充並遷移新址,為配合公司海外市場持續增長之業務,增設成立虹亮國際(香港)有限公司。 2010 Established Hong Kong Magic Industry Association Propose established Hong Kong Magic Industry Association,In a professional manner and spiritual promotion magic industry in the local market. 2010年成立香港魔術同業協會 倡議成立同業協會,以專業態度及精神推廣魔術行業於本地市場。 2009 Common cooperation Of Eddy With Criss Angel create magic myth 2010 will be fully implemented throughout the world of Criss Angel series products. 2009年宏亮與Criss Angel,攜手打造魔術神話 2010年將全面推行Criss Angel 系列產品遍及全世界 2008 Established Eddy Group of Companies - led the business of magic into its third decade The Hong Kong Magic Festival was jointly held with the Eddy International Magic Convention to celebrate its 10th anniversary; it is the best witness of the endeavors and achievements of Eddy Group of Companies. 2008年成立宏亮集團,事業邁向廿載 香港國際魔術節暨宏亮國際魔術大會連續舉辦十週年作為宏亮集團業務延續進步之見証 2007 Opened the “Eddy's Magic” shop It is the first high-class magic shop in a high-end shopping mall; promoting the development of magic shops in Hong Kong. 2007年成立 “魔法幻影”專門店 香港首間魔術專門店躋身高檔次商場,推動香港魔術專門店行業之發展 2006 Eddy reappeared in the entertainment field. President Au Wan Leung (Eddy) of the corporation is the focus of magic lovers, and his public performances won high praise from the audience; he was also invited by “TAOM” (Texas Association Of Magicians) as a guest performer, thus greatly enhancing the status of magic in Hong Kong. 2006年宏亮復出演藝事業 公司主席歐宏亮先生成為魔術愛好者焦點話題,公開演出大受好評,被美國”TAOM”魔術大會邀請作嘉賓演出,提升香港魔術地位 2005 Held the 3rd Hong Kong Magic Festival It was held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre with the full support of McDonald's and RoadShow Holdings Ltd. It has become one of the most important entertainment and exhibitions in Hong Kong. 2005年第三屆香港魔術節全城哄動 踏進香港會議展覽中心舉辦,麥當勞餐廳及路訊通全力支持,成為香港每年重點娛樂項目之一 2004 Established Eddy International Holdings Limited and Eddy International Academy of Magic With vision of prosperity, it established a corporate headquarters of over 15,000 sq.ft. 2004年成立宏亮國際控股有限公司 / 宏亮國際魔術學院 配合業務發展,超過一萬五千尺之公司總部,為未來作好準備 2003 Held the 1st Hong Kong Magic Festival Promoted magic to the public; incorporated magic products, performances, and education, thus created the historical miracle of the magic industry in Hong Kong. 2003年舉辦第一屆“香港魔術節” 把魔術更廣泛地推廣到普羅大眾,把產品﹑表演﹑教育事業一體化發展,再創香港魔術業歷史奇蹟 2002 Established Eddy Trading (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd. Focused on both domestic and overseas development, to promote magic to the domestic market. 2002年設立宏亮國際(廣州)辦事處 增強國內外之發展步伐,堅定推廣魔術於國內市場 2001 Established the International Magicians Society (IMS)—Hong Kong Branch; Eddy Toys Factory was in production Designated as the largest international magician association to develop the Chinese market; step into manufacturing sector to enhance market competitiveness and internationalize the products. 2001年國際魔術師協會中國(香港)分會成立/宏亮玩具製品廠投業 被委任世界最大魔術師組織發展魔術於中國市場,同期正式投入生產商行列,增強市場競爭力,全面將產品國際化 2000 Established “Eddy’s Magic” Brand Promoted the concept of magic specialty franchise shops. 2000年成立“魔法幻影”品牌 推行特許經營魔術專門店之概念 1999 Organized the 1st “Eddy International Magic Convention" Invited internationally renowned magicians to perform in Hong Kong; actively participated in social benefit programs. 1999年首屆“宏亮國際魔術大會”舉行 邀請國際知名魔術師來港演出,積極開展社會公益計劃 1998“ Right Decision, Right Now “ education project development Coordinated in the design of magic education materials for " Right Decision, Right now “ program developed by The Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. With concern over the future of children, and apply magic to education. 1998年協助香港青年商會設計“我是我主人”之魔術教材計劃 關注兒童成長,運用魔術於教育用途 1997 Received the license of “Magic Mickey" (Hong Kong) The only Disney magic products licensee in Hong Kong; incorporated internationally wellknown cartoon characters into the concept of magic. 1997年申請成立“魔術米奇”香港授權商 香港唯一迪士尼魔術產品授權商,將世界知名卡通人物加入魔術概念 1996 Established member club house of Eddy's Magic Created a brand with high quality and professional image; further introduced magic into all levels of the society. 1996年設立“魔法幻影”會所 營造高品質及專業形象之品牌,更廣泛地將魔術推廣至社會各階層 1995 Created the brand image “Magic Kids” Opened specialty shops and product series; held the Magic Kids Carnival. 1995年創造“魔術小精靈”品牌形象 設立專門店及開發產品系列,承辦“魔術小精靈”嘉年華會 1994年成立宏亮國際(香港)有限公司 將魔術概念引進及應用於贈品和玩具市埸,魔術事業全面企業化 1993 Introduced magic toy business in China Opened magic shops in Guangzhou, and introduced the concept of magic to China market. 1993年發展國內魔術玩具業務 於廣州設立專櫃,將魔術概念推廣至中國市場 1992 Introduced Eddy's Magic Toy series Entered into international toy exhibitions, and introduced the art of magic to the toy industry. 1992年推出宏亮魔術玩具系列 躋身國際玩具展,將魔術引入玩具業 1991 Developed magic toy business Successfully introduced magic toys to large department stores in Hong Kong, and promoted magic to the public through magic toys. 1991年發展魔術玩具業務 成功將魔術玩具引入香港各大百貨公司.以玩具產品將魔術推廣給普羅大眾 1990 Established Eddy's Magic Club Provided an opportunity of exchange and interaction among magic lovers. 1990年成立“藝創魔術學會” 給予魔術愛好者共同研究魔術之機會 1989 Established Eddy's Magic & Co Aimed to innovate the art of magic, and develop the profession into business. 1989年成立藝創魔術製作公司 以魔術之藝術加以創新作企業化發展路向之目標 |
电话:020-37650896 传真:020-37650006 地址:广州市越秀区东风东路836号东峻广场1座1001室 邮箱:Guangzhou@eddysmagic.com |